- November 28, 2017
The National Interuniversity Young Professionals’ Championship (WorldSkills Russia) for university students was held in Moscow for the first time from November 28 to December 1, 2017 in the 75th pavilion of VDNH. More than 400 bachelors and specialists from 77 Russian universities who performed the best during the qualifying stages took part in the professional skills competition. Qualifying high school championships started on September 1, 2017. They were held by more than 60 Russian higher educational institutions throughout Russia, including the Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation. SUAI took part in national competitions in three competencies: Internet of Things, Space Systems Engineering and Software Solutions for Business. SUAI students Maxim Ustyuzhin and Anastasia Kotova took first place and were awarded with gold medals of the championship in the competence of Internet of Things. Internet of Things belongs to the Future Skills category and is aimed at training specialists in integrated automation and production robotics using the most advanced industrial technologies. The competence was created in 2016 with the support of PTC and Fanuc. Another SUAI team consisting of Vadim Afanasyev, Mikhail Matveev and Anastasia Ukolova took third place in the Space Systems Engineering. Great work on preparing teams and experts for the championship was undertaken by the Internet of Things Laboratory of SUAI Engineering School (headed by an active member of ISA Russian Section, Anton V. Sergeev), SUAI Institute of Information Systems and Information Security (director Andrei M. Tyurlikov) and SUAI Faculty of Secondary Professional Education (Dean Natalia A. Chernova). These research and educational centers of SUAI that have long had direct contacts with industrial partners, have built a system of training highly qualified specialists. Success in the championship is a natural result of a modern training model based on real industry challenges with the use of modern equipment and technologies.

- July 8, 2017
In Milan, the results of the XIII ISA European student paper competition (ESPC-2017) were announce.

- June 29, 2017
In St. Petersburg, an exhibition of graduation projects carried out by students of St. Petersburg universities "Students to the City 2017" was held by order of St. Petersburg state authority. The five graduates of SUAI of 2017 who won the Contest were granted the right to carry out graduation projects. A member of ISA student section, Natalia Makarchuk, has developed a project on measures to improve the organization of ground municipal passenger transport in conjunction with the existing and projected lines of the St. Petersburg metro system by order of the Committee for the Development of the Transport Infrastructure of St. Petersburg. The graduation project was supervised by the Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Nikolai N. Mayorov (Deputy Director of SUAI Institute of Aerospace Instruments and Systems, active member of the Russian Section of ISA). The Vice Governor of St. Petersburg Vladimir V. Kirillov, who visited the exhibition, took a close look at the exposition of SUAI and thanked the students and authorities. The Rector of SUAI Yulia A. Antokhina, President of the Russian section of ISA in 2014, and the President of SUAI Anatoly A. Ovodenko, Head of ISA Representative Office in the Russian Federation, introduced the students and their works to the Vice Governor.

- June 28, 2017
SUAI postgraduate student Vasily Kazakov and student Arthur Paraskun, active members of ISA student section of SUAI, presented a report on Spectral measurements by diffraction grating device with Fiber-optics system of signal transmission at the XX International Conference for Young Researchers. The report aroused great interest of the conference participants and was highly appreciated by the organizing committee.

- June 27, 2017
In the atrium of the Peter and Paul Fortress the best graduates of higher educational institutions of St. Petersburg were honored. The governor of the city Georgi S. Poltavchenko, members of the government, rectors of higher educational institutions, heads of military schools and academies and, of course, graduates and their family members took part in the XV ceremony. SUAI was represented by the rector Yulia Antokhina, president of the Russian section of ISA in 2014. The best graduate of SUAI in 2017 is Vitaly Ushakov, silver prize-winner of the XIII ISA European student paper competition (ESPC-2017).

- June 22-23, 2017
On Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation took part in GeekPicnic, the biggest Russian popular science festival held in Pulkovo Park, St. Petersburg. This festival gathers annually tens of thousands of people keeping track of the high-tech world and trying not to miss a single new gadget.
At the section of the University called SUAI Cosmoshow projects and products developed by the students were represented. The Flying Train project based on superconductivity technologies was very popular among the visitors as well as humanoid robot football players that won RoboCup Russia Open 2017 under the guidance of SUAI students. These robots are going to represent Russia at an international competition in Bangkok in the autumn. Other products designed by SUAI students such as Robohand, 3D aerial photography system, solar panel cleaning robot and electrostatic also captured visitors’ attention. The most technologically advanced guests were interested in the Internet of Things developments represented by an autonomous video surveillance system and by a special device identifying smokers and propagandizing quitting smoking.
SUAI Cosmoshow became one of the most notable festival sites. The students’ work has been led by active members of the Russian Section of ISA: Professor Vladislav Shishlakov, Associate Professor Sergey V. Solenyi, Associate Professor Nikolai N. Mayorov and Senior Lecturer Anton V. Sergeev.

- May 17-19, 2017
the Aerospace Bruisers team of the joint research and development Laboratory for the Design and Programming of Robotic Systems of the Institute of Innovative Technologies in Electromechanics and Robotics of SUAI and the St. Petersburg Institute of Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences took part in the open National Stage of the International competition in robotics RoboCupRussiaOpen 2017, which was held in Tomsk. 140 teams from 14 cities of Russia took part in the competition. The Aerospace Bruisers team took 1st place in the RoboCup Humanoid Soccer KidSize League and will represent the Russian Federation at the international RoboCup competition in the Asia-Pacific region in December 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand.

- February 16, 2017
Rector of SUAI, President of the Russian section of ISA of 2014 Yulia Antokhina, CEO of the Union of Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia) Robert N. Urazov and director of Center for Strategic Research “North-West” Foundation Marina S. Lipetskaya signed a memorandum of understanding for the participants of the international working group FutureSkills.
The Boiling Point coworking center in St. Petersburg hosted FutureSkills design session on new human resources for the IoT and IT which included several important events. The most significant of these was the signing of a memorandum of understanding between SUAI and the Union of Young Professionals representing a global not-for-profit membership association WorldSkills International (WSI) in Russia.
WSI's mission is to draw attention to technical and technological professions and to create conditions for the development of high professional standards. The main activity of the Association is the organization and carrying out of professional competitions of various levels for young people under the age of 22 years.
FutureSkills is a Russian initiative for holding competitions of competence representing the professions of the future and for research in the field of new professions in the framework of WorldSkills Russia and WorldSkills Hi-Tech championships. The main objective of FutureSkills is the search and development of the competences of the future that will be most in demand in the next decade.
SUAI is a national leader in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT), the industrial Internet and industrial automation, cloud technologies, machine learning and information security. In partnership with industry leaders, such as Intel and Dell EMC, the first Master's program in the area of IoT was launched in SUAI. It is therefore not surprising that the experience and expertise of SUAI has interested WorldSkills association in terms of creation of professions of the future. As a result of the signing of the memorandum, in the near future SUAI will become a platform for testing of advanced competencies on the basis of SUAI school of the Internet of things.
The fact that SUAI is already now preparing real professionals of the future could be verified on the exhibition of the best student projects in the area of the Internet of Things. It should be noted that most of the exhibits were made by the participants of the Open Makerton of the Internet of Things, which was held in SUAI from 13 to 15 February. The exhibition has attracted great interest of participants of FutureSkills design session on new human resources for the IoT and IT as well as of those who took part in the parallel working session on design of a model of the University of NTI.

- November 9, 2016
Professor of Indiana State University (USA) and ISA president
in 2009 Gerald Cockrell conducted the first class of 12th regular
webinar on Practical project management. The webinar was held at
the Demonstration hall of new information technologies of SUAI.
Professor Cockrell has been conducting webinars for students,
postgraduate students and lecturers of SUAI as well as for members
of ISA regular and student sections for twelve years. Over these
years, 278 people participated in the seminar. Every year the
webinar program includes 11 lectures. Participants who have
successfully completed the training receive a certificate of
Indiana State University.

- September 14-20, 2016, Republic of Crimea, Alushta
The SUAI delegation headed by a member of the Russian section of ISA,
Professor, PhD, Head of department of Information and Network Technologies
Leonid A. Osipov took an active part in the work of XXV International
Scientific and Technical Conference "Modern technologies in control,
automatics and information processing". SUAI bachelors V.K. Kozyrevsky,
N.A. Golos, A.A. Zausalin, S.S. Tkachev and master D.V. Pechenin received
diplomas and prizes.

- July 1, 2016
Students-to-City-2016 Exhibition of Diploma Projects accomplished by students of Saint Petersburg on the instruction of executive branch of government was held. Three graduates of SUAI in 2016, members of ISA students’ section, who won the Competition, were entitled to write Diploma Projects. Artyom Kashaev wrote the project on “Possible Applications of Wind and Tide Energy in the North-West Region. Development script, possible project implementation. Economic and ecological justification” for Energy and Engineering Support Committee of St. Petersburg. The adviser was Vladislav F. Shishlakov, Director of Institute of Innovative Technologies in Electromechanics and Robotics, Doctor, Professor. The work on “Proxy Server Based High-load Applications Balancing” was accomplished by Vitaly Fundovoy for the Informatization and Communications Committee of St. Petersburg. His adviser was Evgeny A. Bakin, PhD, associate professor, participant of World Student Instrumentation Games of ISA, former president of ISA students’ section. Kirill Gogolev under the guidance of adviser Nikolay N. Mayorov , deputy director of Institute of Aerospace Instruments and Systems, active member of the Russian section of ISA, wrote the project on “City quays in St. Petersburg: Development Prospects, Problems, Solutions” for the Transport Committee of St. Petersburg. Georgy S. Poltavchenko , governor of St.Petersburg, attended the Exhibition and observed the SUAI stand to mark the highest level of the presented projects and thanked the students and their supervisers. SUAI’s Rector Yulia A. Antokhina (President of the Russian section of ISA in 2014) and President Anatoly A.Ovodenko (Head of ISA Headquarters Russian Federation) introduced students and their projects to the Governor.

- June 27, 2016
The official ceremony to honor best university graduates of Saint Petersburg was held for the 14th time in St. Peter-and-Paul Fortress. The event was attended by the City Vice-Governor Vladimir V. Kirillov, officials, rectors, heads of military schools and academies and graduates with their families. SUAI was represented by Rector Yulia A. Antokhina (President of the Russian section of ISA in 2014), President Anatoly A. Ovodenko (Head of ISA Headquarters Russian Federation) and Director of Institute of Innovation and Basic Master’s Training Elena G. Semyonova (President of the Russian section of ISA in 2011). The Best SUAI graduate is Alexey Kurlov, active member of ISA students’ section, graduate of Institute of Innovation and Basic Master’s Training. While studying Alexey gained the reputation of a brilliant student, revealing himself as a talented scientist and researcher to be praised. He has written dozens articles in scientific magazines and delivered many reports at conferences. Moreover, the results of his Master’s Thesis research found practical application through the device that has already been implemented and nowadays is considered at Federal Service for Intellectual Property.

- June 23, 2016
At the meeting of SUAI Academic Board Rector Yulia A. Antokhina awarded the SUAI students and postgraduates - XII European ISA (ESPC-2016) Best Student Research Winners – with diplomas and medals. Gold medals were given to Alexander Sorokin, Alexander Chabanenko, Vitaly Kuznetsov, Vasily Kazakov, Georgy Korol. Efim Golovin, Alexander Zelenin, Evgeny Petrashkevich, Boris Oskolkov, Maria Makarenko, Ilya Ivanov and Maria Shelest received silver medals. Alexander Vakulenko, Evgeny Grigoryev, Artemy Zhuravlev, Ivan Yudin, Yaroslav Baranov, Alexander Kozhevin, Antonina Makeeva were awarded with bronze medals. The prize for team competition went to Alexander Chabanenko, postgraduate, president of SUAI ISA students’ section.

- April 21, 2016
The IX ISA students research long-distance conference in frame of the 69 International
Students Scientific Conference of the SUAI was organized.
- September 24, 2015
Last session of the Tenth issue Project management seminar was organized via Internet
by professor Gerald Cockrell. 16 SUAI students received ISU certificates.
- April 13, 2015
The VIII ISA students research long-distance conference in frame of the 68 International
Students Scientific Conference of the SUAI was organized.
- June 30, 2014
Mikhail Vaganov, Alexandr Sorokin, Ruslan Khansuvarov, Vadim Nenashev Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation were awarded by the 2014 ISA Education Scholarship Award
- May 22, 2014
Last session of the Nineth issue Project management seminar was organized via Internet
by professor Gerald Cockrell. 18 SUAI students received ISU certificates.
- April 17, 2014
The VII International Society of Automation (ISA) student research long-distance conference.
The conference organize in the frame of the 67 International Students Scientific Conference
of the SUAI and agreement of cooperation between ISU and SUAI.
- September 17-22, 2013
I. Lipinsky and V. Nenashev took part at the International Forum PE-RU-SAT-2013 at Lima, Peru.
- September 20, 2013
- 4 students from Technical University of Delft
(Kingdom of the Netherlands) – participants
of the Nuon Solar Team (winner of the four
World Solar Challenge) visited St.-Petersburg
State University of Aerospace Instrumentation.
Students from Holland met with Russian students
and presented their solar car “Nuna-6”.
- June 1–8, 2013
- ISA former presidents Pino Zani and Gerald Cockrell visited
Saint-Petersburg, Russia during 1–8 June, 2013. They participated
at the XIV international Forum “Modern information society formation
– problems, perspectives, innovation approaches”. ISA leaders
visited ISA Headquarters of Russian Federation, participated
at the round table “Trends in global automation to the year 2020”.
- Presentation:
- April 17, 2013
- The VI International Society of Automation (ISA) student research long-distance conference.
- The conference organize in the frame of the 66 International Students Scientific
Conference of the SUAI and agreement of cooperation between ISU and SUAI.
- November 22, 2012
The meeting of the Presidium of the ISA Russian Section
was organized at ISA Headquarters Russian Federation.
- November 15, 2012
Eight issue of the long distance “Project management”
seminar started.
- October 25, 2012
Last session of the Seventh issue Project management
seminar was organized via Internet by professor Gerald
Cockrell. 16 SUAI students received ISU certificates.
- September 22-27, 2012
Section delegation took part at District 12 meeting
during “Automation week” at Orlando (USA).
- May 24, 2012
Professor Orazio Mirabella with his daughter Julia
visited St.-Petersburg (Russia) during 22–27 of May, 2012.
O. Mirabella was awarded by the title of “Honored Doctor
of St.-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation”.
Live webcast of Scientific Council Enlarged Session devoted
to the SUAI (Russia) Honored Doctor Gown Awarding to professor
Catania University (Italy) O. Mirabella was translated at
May 24, 2012.
ISA senior-member visited ISA Head Quarters RF
office, ISA knowledge centre for SUAI. He met with ISA Russian
student’s members and Russian section leaders during his
staying in St.-Petersburg. He also presented lecture to
SUAI students and professors.
- April 18, 2012
- The V International Society of Automation (ISA) student research long-distance conference.
- The conference organize in the frame of the 65 International Students Scientific
Conference of the SUAI and agreement of cooperation between ISU and SUAI.
- November 3-4, 2011
- Engineering and Architecture Faculty of Kore University of Enna, organizes the Information and Automation Technologies Meeting, Enna, Italy.
- Jule 28, 2011
- 9th Italian-Russian student seminar was organized in St.-Petersburg (Russia).
15 Italian students from CU come to SUAI. General consul of Italy in
St.-Petersburg Mr. Luigi Estero participated at ISA student session at July 28.
- July 27, 2011
- Congratulation to students from Enna (Italy)
- June 27, 2011
- Alexey Tirtichny as a recipient of an ISA Educational Foundation 2011 has been awarded $2000.
- June 25, 2011
- Former ISA president Gerald Cockrell and former ISA senior administrator Laura Crumler were presented the Memorial Medal “70 years of the St.-Petersburg State University of Airspace Instrumentation” for their many years wonderful work for international students’ activities. The Medal to G. Cockrell was presented in Terre Haute, IN, USA during visit of Russian delegation to ISU. The medal to Laura Crumpler was sent her by mail was sent her by mail from the name of ISA Russian section and SUAI.
- April 20, 2011
- The IV International Society of Automation (ISA) student research long-distance conference.
- The conference organize in the frame of the 64 International Students Scientific
Conference of the SUAI and agreement of cooperation between ISU and SUAI.
- October 16-27, 2010
- Russia–USA exchange
The SUAI delegation headed by Vice-rector Prof. Victor Boer (ISA senior-member) participated at the 5th SUAI–SU student seminar in Terra Haute, Indiana, USA.
The seminar was organized by ISA past-president Prof. Gerald Cockrell. SUAI students participated at the International Forum Technology and Economics.
Gerald Cockrell and Alex Bobovich (ISA VP 2007–2008) organized joint meeting of the ISU and SUAI students sections. Both section discussed future joint activities.
- September 7, 2010
- Final session of the long-distance seminar “Project management”
- Professor Gerald Cockrell presented his last class of the long-distance seminar “Project Management”, which he organized fifth time for Russian students from SUAI during 2009–2010. Professor Artur Budagov, Dean of the Economican Faculty of the SUAI passed the certificates to students from the name of professor Cockrell.
- August 1, 2010
- VIII Italian-Russian student seminar
- The VIII Italian-Russian student seminar was organized by professor Orazio Mirabella on July 23 – August 1, 2010 in Catania University.
Group of 10 Russians headed by Alexander Bobovich from SUAI (St.-Petersburg) visited ISA Catania student section. During one week students had city tour, ISA session, where student presented their presentations, rest, sweem, visited many places of interesting. Main goal-Italians and Russians found new international friends. Next seminar will be organized by SUAI at 2011.
- July 28, 2010
- New student section in Kore University (Italy)
- Alexander Bobovich (D12 student committee chair) was invited by professor Mario Collotta (Kore University) to visit Kore University for discuss posibility to start process of creation ISA student section for Kore University. At July 28, 2010 Alexander Bobovich visited Kore University and met with Kore University president Cataldo Salerno, then he had meeting with ISA Kore student section organizing committee: professor Mario Collotta and students Ilenia Collotta and Valerio Salerno.Alexander answered for organizing committe questions and they started the process of creation new D12 student section.
On photo (L to R): Ilenia Collotta, professor Mario Collotta, Alexander Bobovich, Valerio Salerno
- July 27, 2010
- ISA D12 International student session
- The ISA District 12 international student session was organized by professor Orazio Mirabella (CU) and Alexander Bobovich (D12 student committee chair) at July 27, 2010 at University of Catania (Italy). Students from CU (Italy) and SUAI (Russia) made their presentations. After session Alexander Bobovich passed certificates and medals Italian students-winners of the ESPC-2010.
- Juny 30, 2010
ISA-JIC student section activities in semesters 301-302 (2009-2010)
- June 15, 2010
- ISA Executive Board approves 2010 ISA Education Scholarship Award recipients.
- Three of SUAI students have been awarded ISA Education Foundation Scholarships, as follows: Alexey Tirtichny, Evgeny Bakin, Konstantin Gurnov. Georgy Kuymchev will get District 12 Award.
After receiving the medals and certificates by SUAI students – winners of the ESPC-2010.
To the left to right: K. Gurnov (1), E. Bakin (3) and A. Tirtichny (4).
- April 22, 2010
- The III ISA International long distance student research conference
- The conference organize in the frame of the 63 International Students Scientific Conference of the SUAI and agreement of cooperation between ISU and SUAI.
- December 7, 2009
- “The St.-Petersburg best student 2009” H&A ceremony was organized by the St.-Petersburg Government and Rector's Council at the Educational Theater on Mokhovaya. Georgy Kuyumchev (SUAI student section president-elect) was declared as the St.-Petersburg best student 2009 in the nomination the best in research and creative work. On photo Georgy with his wife Maria.
- November 26, 2009
- 5th long distance seminar between ISU and SUAI
- Dr. G. Cockrell (ISA president) presents by long distance the first lecture on 5th seminar “Project management” to SUAI students.
- October 6, 2009
Undergraduate Student Research Conference
- May 1, 2009
- Spain students visit to Achema Fair (Germany). The four section presidents were invited by ISA Spain to participate in Achema fair (Germany). The advisor of San Juan Bosco Section, Jose Teruel, and Vicente Rico attended the visit with them and took the opportunity to explain practical concepts about Instrumentation and Control. Attendees came from ISA Spain student sections of Universidad de Valladolid, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid and San Juan Bosco (Cartagena).